Stop TB România
We promote the right to information, diagnosis, correct and complete treatment until cured and adequate support services, for every person at risk of or diagnosed with tuberculosis.
Here you will find the latest news about tuberculosis and the Partnership's efforts to help respect the rights of people affected or at risk of tuberculosis.
About us
We are an informal network of organizations fighting for universal access for people affected by or at risk of tuberculosis to medical, social, psychological and community support services.
Useful info
Whether you are a patient with tuberculosis, a person at risk or you just want to find out more about the disease or about the existing services in Romania, you can find here information, studies, data sources.
Get involved
Tuberculosis is not just ”their disease”, of those who carry this burden. We all breathe the same air, any of us can get sick, together we have to mobilize.
Affected people, their families, the doctors who provide them with medical care, the communities need our help. Join us in our information campaigns or to convince the authorities to ensure citizens' access to adequate medical, social and support services.
Contact us
If you want to ask us something about Tuberculosis, or send us a message, or you need information that you can't find here, write to us.
We want to hear the voice of the patient. We want to hear the voice of the community.